©Image by u_n735i0gv from Pixabay

Cristo do Corcovado, the most famous and iconic statue of Brazil

Christ the Redeemer is one of the most iconic and recognized tourist attractions in all of Brazil. Located at the top of Corcovado Hill in the city of Rio de Janeiro, this impressive monument is one of the seven wonders of the Modern World. With its spectacular size and design, Christ the Redeemer is also the fourth largest statue of Jesus of Nazareth in the world.

It was inaugurated in 1931 and is an impressive 30-meter-high monument on an eight-meter pedestal, depicting Jesus of Nazareth with open arms. However, the original idea was conceived in the second half of the 19th century by a priest as a tribute to the daughter of Emperor Pedro II, Princess Elizabeth.

The great statue was finally created by the French sculptor Paul Landowski and built by the Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa, in collaboration with the French engineer Albert Caquot. The face of Jesus was created by the Romanian sculptor Gheorghe Leonida.

A symbol of Christianity throughout the world, the statue is a cultural icon of both the city of Rio de Janeiro and the entire country of Rio de Janeiro. Before its placement, the Corcovado Hill and its viewpoint were already a tourist attraction in Rio de Janeiro, and its location is part of the Tijuca National Park.

Located 710 meters above sea level and dominating the fabulous landscape of the city, the statue is made of reinforced concrete and covered with small soapstone triangles. These small tesserae give it its characteristic white color, giving it the necessary luminosity and weather resistance.

The majestic Art Deco statue of Jesus of Nazareth, the unmistakable symbol of Rio de Janeiro's skyline, is one of Brazil's most prominent tourist attractions and an important site of Catholic pilgrimage.

©Image by Jose Guertzenstein from Pixabay

The most iconic image of Rio de Janeiro, presided over by the great statue of Christ the Redeemer.

Stylized and well proportioned, one can appreciate the impeccable art deco style of the majestic statue, in keeping with the time in which it was created. With a total weight of almost 1500 tons, the statue is completely hollow except for the arms.

Christ the Redeemer is standing with his arms outstretched, in a posture that seems to embrace the city of Rio de Janeiro. His face looks down with a serene and compassionate expression. In his hands the wounds of the crucifixion can be seen, so it is the figure of the risen Christ.

He is dressed in a long and stylized tunic covered by a cloak. In the center of the chest, uncovered, you can see his heart, which can also be seen from inside the sculpture. Another important detail of the sculpture is the small crown on his head.

Symbol of redemption, forgiveness and protection, the important symbolic value makes this imposing Jesus of Nazareth a place of pilgrimage for the most devout Catholics, as well as a must-see for every tourist who visits the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Although it is possible to reach it by car, the most traditional way to get there is through the so-called "bondinho", a train that leaves from the Ferro do Corcovado station. Another impressive way to visit Christ the Redeemer is by helicopter, enjoying spectacular views of the entire city.

Christ the Redeemer is an astonishing architectural and artistic achievement that stands as a symbol of the faith and warmth of the Brazilian people. With its elevated position and imposing appearance, it offers a breathtaking view of the city of Rio de Janeiro and Guanabara Bay.

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