Europe is the world's tourist destination par excellence.

The enormous historical and cultural legacy of its peoples and nations constitutes the cradle of Western civilization.

Destinations of Europe

Located entirely in the northern hemisphere and surrounded by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the south and Asia to the east, the European continent, which covers only 2% of the earth's surface, is a treasure trove of experiences and destinations for travelers.

Europe is divided into some fifty sovereign states, with a population of approximately 750 million people. With only 10% of the world's population, its people bring an impressive cultural diversity, evident in every city and region.

The European Union, consisting of 27 of its countries, is the central bloc of the continent. Most of the countries of the European Union use the euro (EUR), making it easier for tourists to travel and spend. In addition, thanks to the Schengen area, border and immigration controls between most of its states are eliminated, facilitating a free and fluid travel through the wonders of Europe.

From the sunny beaches of Portugal to the vast steppes of Russia, from the architectural majesty of the British Isles to the cultural richness of Central Europe; from the breathtaking fjords of Norway, Iceland or Sweden to Mediterranean Europe, with its historical charm and vibrant nightlife in countries such as France, Spain, Italy or Greece. Every corner of the European continent is a page that describes Western civilization and is waiting to be explored.

In Europe, you can walk the streets of ancient Rome, enjoy the modernist architecture of Barcelona, explore the medieval castles of Germany, delight in haute cuisine in France, or marvel at the natural beauty of northern Scandinavia. Whether you are looking for art, history, gastronomy, nature or just complete relaxation, Europe has a lot to offer.

Discovering each of the historical and cultural particularities of all of its peoples and nations is to understand and discover a very important part of human civilization.

We are specialists in tailor-made trips around Europe.

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