©Image by Sunil GC from Unsplash

Lumbini, the brithplace of Buddha

Lumbini, a small Nepalese village, is one of the holiest places in Buddhism. This small town is known as the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama more than 2,500 years ago, and has been considered an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists for centuries.

Located in the Terai region of southern Nepal, Lumbini is the place where the Buddha's mother, Maya Devi, gave birth to Siddhartha Gautama in the 6th century BC. Lumbini was for centuries considered a sacred place for the followers of Siddhartha Gautama, and was visited by emperors, kings and pilgrims from all over the world.

All the buildings and sites related to the birth of the Buddha are located in the sacred complex of Lumbini, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997. This huge complex is an important pilgrimage center for Buddhists from all over the world.

The complex is divided into different areas, with the Sacred Garden and the Monastic Zone being the most important. The Sacred Garden is the epicenter of the complex, and in it are the monuments of historical and spiritual importance sacred to Buddhism for being related to the birth of Siddhartha Gautama.

The Maya Devi Temple is the oldest of the temples in Lumbini, and is located on the site where Maya Devi is believed to have given birth to Siddhartha Gautama. At the temple, visitors can see the Marker Stone, which marks the exact spot where the Buddha was born, as well as the archaeological remains of the buildings that during different stages framed it.

The sacred complex of Lumbini, the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, is an important pilgrimage center for Buddhists from all over the world, as well as being one of the most important tourist attractions in Nepal.

©Image by Abhishek Singh from Flickr

The Eternal Peace Flame in the monastic area of ​​Lumbini.

Other important historical elements existing in the complex are the Bodhi tree, a fig tree considered sacred to Buddhism since it was under one of them that Siddhartha Gautama reached enlightenment, and the sacred Puskarini Pond, where it is believed that Queen Maya Devi, Buddha's mother, took a dip before giving birth.

Another important landmark of the site is the so-called Ashoka Pillar. This sandstone pillar, erected by Emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BC, bears an inscription authenticating Lumbini as the birthplace of Buddha. It was discovered in the 19th century by a group of archaeologists, and from that time on different excavations were carried out to unearth and restore the ancient sacred site, bringing it back to its glory after centuries of neglect.

In addition to the Sacred Garden, the Monastic Zone is another highlight of the Lumbini complex. Divided into two wings by a long pedestrian walkway and a canal crossed by several bridges, each wing contains monasteries associated with different Buddhist schools.

In the east wing are located the monasteries of the Theravada school, while in the west wing are the monasteries of the Mahayana and Vajrayana schools. Many countries have built Buddhist stupas and monasteries with their historical, cultural and spiritual designs, making the place a melting pot of cultures from all continents united by the same devotion to Buddha.

All in all, this impressive complex is a sacred and peaceful place, attracting thousands of pilgrims and tourists from all over the world every year. With its impressive collection of temples and monasteries, the birthplace of Buddha is a place full of culture and spirituality.

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